
Sam Zell: The Importance of Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate (video)

Sam Zell on the importance of lowering the corporate tax rate:

Videos above and below originally published on Aug 18, 2017: Billionaire investor Sam Zell on President Trump’s tax reform plan and the importance of lowering the corporate tax rate.

Sam Zell on how he became successful

Billionaire investor Sam Zell on the North Korean crisis and his new book ‘Am I being too subtle?: Straight Talk from a Business Rebel’--
Sam Zell is the chairman of Equity Group Investments (domain: egizell.com), the private investment firm he founded in 1968, and the chairman of five NYSE companies. He is an entrepreneur and investor who is active in a diverse range of industries, such as energy, manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and communications, and of course real estate. He lives in Chicago with his wife, Helen.

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