1) Uber unveils designs for flying taxi service
Financial Times (ft.com) video above published May 10, 2018: Uber (domain: uber.com) reveals plans for its flying taxi service. Uber's proposed 'flying car' service is scheduled for launch in 2020 but the proposed autonomous vehicle may raise safety concerns. See also:
2) Mobile Ad Boom Continues

See also:
- "One-in-five Americans are now ‘smartphone only’ internet users at home."--PewInternet.org.
- Apple iPhone Still Gushes Cash | WSJ.com.
3) Investing
The Week: NASDAQ Composite +2.7% | S&P 500 Index +2.4% | DJIA +2.3%
Wall Street's Charging Bull
Investing Notes:Unlike the broader #markets, where Chinese #equities trade at a discount to their US peers, companies like $BIDU, $BABA, & others sport comparable multiples to $GOOG, $MSFT & other US names. Investors everywhere incorporate not just cash flow but also optionality into #valuation.— DataTrek Research (@DataTrekMB) May 8, 2018
a. "The market bulls counter ephemeral political threats with the massive pools of money looking to be invested, the strong earnings season, and the fact yields in the bond markets may be rising, but still look way below normal making stocks look attractive to those who have got comfortable with yield tourism."--Blain's Morning Porridge, May 8th 2018. "Martin Malone tells me to stop listening to the noise, and focus on the big numbers – with zen-like transcendence, Martin reminds me “in numbers there is truth” and they show a clear strategy: Dump bonds, Buy risk."--Blain's Morning Porridge, 10th May 2018.
b. EU & ECB: Running Out Of Ammo And The Dreaded 'QF' | SeekingAlpha.com: "What happens in the next six months across the pond is going to shape the way history remembers QE. Now is the time to talk seriously about the risk of "missing the window" when it comes to ECB normalization. This is the road to "quantitative failure"...."
c. SeekingAlpha.com: "everyone picked up right where they left off on Friday; namely, worrying about emerging markets." Argentina Seeks Credit Line From IMF | WSJ.com: "to help stem the peso’s depreciation and rising discontent over high inflation and reduced government spending."
4) ICYMI Tech News:
a. Trump vs ZTE:
b. Next Up: Huawei Under Criminal Investigation Over Iran Sanctions | WSJ.com
c. EU considers using algorithms to detect anti-competitive acts | Reuters.com
d. Walmart strikes deal to buy a majority stake in India's Flipkart | cnbc.com: an initial stake of roughly 77 percent in Flipkart. It eventually wants Flipkart to become a publicly-listed subsidiary.
e. Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real World Tasks Over the Phone | googleblog.com. Some of Google’s other most intriguing announcements from I/O18 are here.
f. Chrome OS is getting Linux app support | VentureBeat.com.
g. Google introduced Tour Creator, enabling students, teachers, and anyone with a story to tell, to make a VR tour using imagery from Google Street View or their own 360 photos. The tool is designed to let anyone produce professional-level VR content without a steep learning curve.
h. Apple scraps $1 billion Irish data center over planning delays | Reuters.com: Apple cancels $1B data center in Ireland because of delays in the approval process that have stalled the project for more than three years.
-- John Poole, Editor, Domain Mondo
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