source: Statista
The chart above shows how many people use the internet in all the different world regions.
25 years ago, on August 23, 1991, a British computer scientist, Tim Berners-Lee, who was then working at CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research), made the World Wide Web available to the public. However, even 25 years after what some call its inception, the World Wide Web is not nearly as universally available as its name suggests. According to the latest estimates by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a UN agency specializing in information and communication technologies, only 47 in 100 people in the world use the internet today. While internet access in regions such as North America and Europe has become a utility like electricity and running water, people in less developed regions often still lack affordable access to what has arguably become the world's most important source of information.
See also on Domain Mondo: More Than Half The World’s Population Still Not Using The Internet
ICT Facts and Figures 2016 (pdf) embedded below (note: LDC - Least Developed Countries):
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