
Transforming India, Arvind Panagariya videos

Bloomberg TV India special series: Transforming India With Arvind Panagariya -- Arvind Panagariya is the Vice Chairman of Niti Aayog of India. He is an Indian-American economist and Professor of Economics at Columbia University and an ex-Chief Economist at the Asian Development Bank. Vivek Law asks him about Prime Minister of India's much talked about Gujarat Model and his mantra of devolving power to the states. Panagariya says, "The key to Gujarat's success is good governance."

Transforming India With Arvind Panagariya:
Need Change In Manufacturing Policies
Urban Slum Rehabilitation Has Failed
GST Will Simplify A Complex Tax System
End Monopoly In Education
NREGA Design Curtails Asset Creation
Land Acquisition Norms Have To Be Fixed

NITI Aayog of India: niti.gov.in  National Institution for Transforming India

This video is originally sourced from Bloomberg TV India, and was originally published on July 17, 2014.


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